
Top local venture capital firms in Pakistan 2022

Firm Name Deal countInvestmentsIndustryWebsite
Fatima Gobi Ventures 8 deals1-Inventhub
2-Truck it in
3- Colabs
4- Fasset
5- Abhi
6- Rider
7- DealCart
8- Priceoye
Sarmayacar7 deals1- Ola doc
2- Linkstar
3- Jugnu
4- Abhi
5- Bykea
6- OneLoad
7- Revolving games

Zayn Capital7 deals1- Vitt
2- Truck it in
3- Naya Pay
4- Bazaar Technologies
5- Colabs
6- Zaraye
7- Snapp Retail
i2i Ventures6 deals1- Truck it in
2- Metric app
3- Abhi
4- ezBike
5- Rider
6- Dealcart
Deosai Ventures4 deals1- Metric app
2- Farmdar
3- Remoty
4- Pattern Technologies
Sector agnostichttps://deosai.vc/
Indus valley capital4 deals1- Bazaar Technologies
2- Colabs
3- Markaz
4- Farmdar
Updated as of the third quarter of 2022

Here are the top local venture capital firms according to fresh data for the year 2022. The list will be updated accordingly as new data comes in. The data here was extracted from going through the internal database of Founder Pakistan as well as other 3rd party data sources and industry publications. The rank stated here is based on the number of deals by a certain VC in the calendar year of 2022 and is sourced without any form of bias.

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